Best Acupuncture and Herbal Treatments near Hillsboro, Oregon
We have patients who drive from Hillsboro to receive the benefits of Korean acupuncture and herbal medicine treatments. After the first session, they come for additional sessions thanks to the satisfactory results from the first session.
With a population of 100,000, Hillsboro is the fifth-largest city in Oregon. The city is home to several high-tech businesses, including Intel. It is located in the Tualatin Valley on the western edge of the Portland metropolitan region.
Korean Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
Many patients visit us for Korean acupuncture and herbal medicine treatments from Portland, Tigard, Vancouver, Hillsboro, Lake Oswego, Canby, and other neighboring cities. They believe that coming to see us is worth their time and effort.
The Korean acupuncture approach differs from Chinese acupuncture. It primarily employs acupuncture points located below the knees and elbows. According to traditional literature, acupuncture points below the knees and elbows can affect the whole body.
Doctor of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine near Hillsboro
Dr. Sohn, a doctor of acupuncture and herbal medicine, concentrates on adjusting your pulses to bring your organs back into balance, ultimately addressing your primary symptoms and underlying disorders. Disorders result from an imbalance of organs. Pulses indicate how your organs are working and whether they are in harmony.
He uses the thinnest acupuncture needles available on the market. Korean acupuncture treatments are suitable for those sensitive to acupuncture needle insertion.
He addresses various health conditions, including back pain, neck pain, sciatica, tennis elbow, headaches, frozen shoulder, knee pain, Covid long haulers, and more.
Dr. Sohn emphasizes the importance of regular maintenance and lifestyle change. He urges patients to see him for maintenance treatments every month.
He stresses that upon recovery, they should focus on making lifestyle changes. The bodies would revert to their diseased state.
Hiking at least once a week is the best method to stay healthy. There are various hiking trails near Hillsboro. Hiking is the best way to stay fit.