Moxibustion is a traditional treatment method available for thousands of years throughout Southeastern Asia. Moxibustion, produced from dried mugwort, is available in the form of loose golden moxa. We apply Moxibustion cones at acupuncture points or local body areas. Wounds from moxibustion become healed by our body.
Historically, moxa cones caused pus or suppuration. They tended to use more giant moxa cones at the time. Furthermore, people believed that treatments did not work well in the absence of sores. As a result, they intended to cause suppuration to produce therapeutic effects. However, studies show that moxa cones the size of a rice grain or half a rice grain can have beneficial therapeutic effects. They are not unpleasant. As a result, the modern method produces a little pus. If you apply it for an extended period, it may leave some tiny scars.
What are moxibustion benefits?
It helps boost your energy and restore your natural healing power, according to Dr. Namsoo Kim (Gudang), an authority on direct moxibustion. People may feel differently depending on their inner strength. Some will react quickly, while others will take their time.
Moxa treatments may be beneficial to a wide range of people. For example, when people receive chemotherapy for cancer, their immune systems may be weakened. According to research, it boosts red and white blood cells. As a result, patients can continue to receive chemotherapy treatments.
You should use moxa as a preventive medicine, especially if your medical expenses are high. You will undoubtedly benefit from a daily application regularly.