Tag: moxibustion

  • Benefits of Direct Moxibustion 2

    Benefits of Direct Moxibustion 2

    Moxibustion benefit Here are benefits of direction moxibustion 2. This continues from Benefits of Direct Moxibustion 1. 2) It improves blood circulation. Blood circulates in the body with heart being the center. It provides energy for the body to work by transporting oxygen from lung and nutrition from stomach to each organ. It also sends…

  • Benefits of Direct moxibustion 1

    Benefits of Direct moxibustion 1

    Moxibustion benefit I am happy to have a little time to translate benefits of direct moxibustion from Theory and Practicality of Moxibustion, written by Dr Namsoo Kim (Gudang). Since this is too long, there will be several blogs to continue in the future.  I hope this will be of some help for those who are…

  • How to prevent stroke 

    How to prevent stroke 

    Stroke prevention Here is how to prevent stroke.  All kinds of wind and shaking belong to Liver Wood. The twisted mouth is due to unbalanced upright qi, which is related to too much drinking, excessive sexual activity, and unbalanced diet.  Obese people retain much moisture, while lean people retain much fire.  Before people develop strokes,…

  • How to treat tremors 

    How to treat tremors 

    Involuntary shaking movement Here is how to treat tremors. Tremors can be seen in Parkinson’s, anxiety disorders, etc.  Involuntary shaking becomes worse when affected by emotional changes sometimes.  Huh Im prescribed the protocol for involuntary shaking hands and shoulders.    Apply 7 moxa cones at acupuncture point PC3 ??. Add LV3 ??, BL18 ??, and…

  • How to treat speech difficulty with hemiplegia

    How to treat speech difficulty with hemiplegia

    Strokes Here is how to treat speech difficulty with hemiplegia. Strokes may be the last one you may want to suffer from.  Dr Namsu Kim (Gudang) always emphasizes on prevention of illnesses by developing the habit of applying moxa on ourselves everyday. Through his long clinical experiences, he knows moxibustion prevents many different illnesses, especially…

  • How to treat shortness of breath

    How to treat shortness of breath

    Shortness of breath Shortness of breath can be caused by phlegm accumulation. It can be seen in bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, common cold, pneumonia, etc.  Huh Im prescribed the protocol for the condition.  Apply moxibustion at acupuncture points BL43 ???, BL13 ??, and BL23 ??.   Apply acupuncture at LI4 ?? and LU9…