What are the advantages of moxibustion?
This is a translation of Dr. Namsoo Kim‘s Theory and Practicality of Moxibustion, which discusses the benefits of moxibustion (Gudang). He is an authority on moxibustion. He combined moxibustion and acupuncture in his treatments.
Direct moxibustion involves burning mugwort wool on the skin and leaving burns on it. As a result, it produces a histotoxin in the body. Its chemical stimulus also affects the body. It regulates or restores the functions of our bodies.
Moxibustion has numerous advantages. Heat stimulation from moxibustion, for example, affects the nervous system and causes responses in the body. However, the effects will vary depending on the intensity, quantity, burning time, etc. In fact, it is challenging to keep them under control. It is helpful to use sensitive body zones. The zones are known to influence intestine movement and hormonal changes.

Minor burns on the skin are caused by moxibustion. As a result of cell dissolution, our bodies produce a unique protein. And it is absorbed and circulated in the blood by our bodies. Above all, it noticeably responds to any disorder and speeds up healing.
Moxibustion also has an effect on the autonomic nervous system and hormone secretion. This aids in body balance. Fatigue and stress, for example, can cause gastric ulcers, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, neuralgia, and other health problems. In other words, this results from an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system and hormone secretion. According to research, moxibustion is an effective stress and fatigue reliever.
Here are some of the specific advantages of direct moxibustion.
1) It stimulates the mobility of cells.
Cells are the smallest unit of the human body. The cells are as small as a few microns and function like living things. Cells comprise the skin, sinews, bones, nerves, and blood vessels. When our bodies are fatigued and sick, the movement of each cell slows down. For examples, injuries, cerebral bleeding, stomach ulcers, and malignancies will cause cell alteration, or destruction and transformation.
When we apply moxa cones to these cells, we notice that tissue cells are temporarily damaged. However, they revert to their original state once you stop using them. In the burn area, a protein is produced. It circulates in the blood, activating or encouraging regeneration by stimulating weak cells. Even if we feel under the weather or lethargic, applying moxa cones will energize our cells and leave us feeling light and energetic. It can aid in the regeneration of damaged tissues. This can be seen in the early stages of wound healing and bone fractures. It stimulates cell movement and revitalizes our bodies. It is also beneficial for disease prevention and treatment.
2) It helps to increase blood circulation.
The heart is the center of blood circulation in the body. As a result, it delivers oxygen from the lungs and nutrients from the stomach to each organ. It also provides energy for the body to work. It also transports waste and carbon dioxide to the excretory organs. For example, if something is wrong with our blood circulation, our body will not work elsewhere. Moxibustion has been shown to improve blood circulation. When you use moxa cones, you will increase blood flow to the area. Blood can accumulate and overflow anywhere in the body. When applied distal to the affected area, they can help improve blood circulation in the affected area.
How it helps circulation
Moxibustion is effective in promoting heart movement. It can increase the contracting force of the heart muscle and force blood out of the heart. It can also expand capillaries in distant extremities and improve blood circulation. Because of poor blood circulation, you may experience cold hands and feet. You may also experience poor sleep, dizziness with dimming vision, or leg edema due to standing for an extended period. Suppose you apply it to each condition individually. In that case, it will improve blood circulation and lead to faster disease relief.
It can also improve lymphatic circulation. Lymph nodes in the neck, armpits, and groin will protect our bodies from potentially harmful substances. They also provide detoxification services. It will aid in transporting substances to the lymph nodes and detoxifying them.
It will strengthen the heart and improve blood and lymph circulation. As a result, it will regulate our entire body’s circulation. This is why it is effective for any circulatory disorders.
3) It modifies the blood’s components.
Blood is the fluid that enters the vessel. Blood corpuscles such as white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets can be seen floating in the plasma under the microscope. Plasma contains a variety of nutrients, hormones, and immune substances.
a) Increase in red blood cell count
Moxibustion has significantly increased red blood cells after a few months of use. Erythrocytes are another name for red blood cells. They have hemoglobin, which allows them to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. Increased red blood cells, for example, mean an increased ability to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. Their activities will become more potent as supplies in the tissues rise. As a result, their health will improve, and their resistance to diseases will be strengthened. It can also increase red blood cells. It will also help those who are anemic or lack blood.
b) Increase in white blood cell
Intruders are killed by white blood cells that fight them. They are the first to appear when there is inflammation in the area. Moxibustion can boost white blood cell counts. As a result, it can be used to treat any type of inflammation, including sores, tonsillitis, and eye inflammation.
c) Hemostasis
When blood comes into contact with air, it tends to solidify. This is known as coagulation. Moxibustion can hasten coagulation.
d) Immunity
Our mothers provide us with immune substances. Vaccination is given to supplement them. Many immune substances can be produced by moxibustion. As a result, it will be helpful for disease prevention and resistance.
e) Prevention of Blood acidosis
Blood acidosis can harm the nervous system, brain, bones, and other organs. As a result, it may endanger our lives. Moxibustion can help to keep your blood from becoming acidic. As a result, it can alter the constitution.
4) Regulation of hormone secretion
The endocrine system in our bodies produces hormones. Hormones play an essential role in regulating our body’s functions. Moxibustion can help with their secretion. It aids in the regulation of secretion, the improvement of health, and the increase of disease resistance.
5) Regulation of nerve function
The muscles beneath the skin have numerous sensitive areas. These are known as reflex points. For example, applying moxa cones to a specific area can help regulate internal organs, the cardiovascular system, the endocrine system, and so on. Furthermore, moxibustion can be beneficial when the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous systems are out of balance.
6) Relief of muscle fatigue
Moxibustion promotes healthy blood circulation. Muscles require nutrients and oxygen to function correctly. For better blood circulation, our bodies must remove fatigue waste from them. Rest may be beneficial in relieving fatigue. Using moxa cones helps to prevent as well as ease muscle fatigue.
7) Regulation of internal organ functions
When there are any problems with your internal organs, your body will respond in the back area. Moxibustion on the responding area to balance disorders may be beneficial.
8) Pain relief
Compared to those who do not experience pain, the nerves on and around the pain become tense. Moxibustion aids in the relaxation of muscles and vessels. As a result, it improves blood circulation. It also eliminates the sources of fatigue and pain. It also aids in the removal of numbing or overly sensitive senses.
9) Long-term moxibustion improves one’s constitution.
When you make it a habit to use moxibustion on yourself regularly for many years, you will notice that your constitution improves. It helps lean people gain weight, and overweight people lose weight. It also aids in the improvement of emotional states. It promotes sound sleep because the autonomic nervous system disorder has improved. It aids in improving a weak constitution. As a result, people develop a high level of resistance to diseases. It also aids in the treatment of menstrual disorders, infertility, and erectile dysfunction, among other things. It is effective in treating paralysis, warts, corn, bumps, and other skin conditions as well.
Translated by Dr. Kihyon Sohn
As you can see above, there are numerous advantages to using moxibustion regularly.
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