How many Moxa Cones?
This is translation from Acupuncture and Moxibustion Clinical Experience Protocols, written by Dr Huh, royal doctor in ancient Korea. People usually asks, “How many moxa cones do I need?” This will give you an idea of how many moxa cone you need.

Number of cones to apply
It is not desirable to apply too many moxa cones. The appropriate number ranges from seven to forty-nine cones. It must not exceed the age of the person. It is appropriate to burn large cones for the conditions, such as chronic cold disorders under the belly, and abdominal masses and lumps. You can apply five hundred cones on abdomen and back, except for RN14 and RN15. It must not exceed fourteen cones for RN14 and RN15. Applying too many cones of too big size on these points causes the person to lose energy in heart permanently.
Burning too many cones on the head leads to loss of consciousness. Applying too many moxa cones on arms and legs results in depletion of blood, atrophy in the extremities, loss of strength, and loss of consciousness.
Each acupuncture point has difference in its depth. Burning too many cones on shallow acupuncture points leads to damage to sinews. Therefore, the number must not exceed three, five or seven cones. Special attention should be paid.