Tag: scarring moxa

  • Nasal polyps

    Nasal polyps

    Nasal Polyps Nasal polyps can grow in the nose, or sinuses.  It interferes with breathing, smelling , and so on.  Huh Im, a Korean doctor in the 1600s, recommends applying 100 moxa cones at DU 23 ?? for nasal polyps.  According to the conditions, the following acupuncture points can be added: LI 20  ??  LI…

  • Insects crawling over the skin?

    Insects crawling over the skin?

    Crawling sensation Treating the Creepy Crawlies: An Ancient Prescription for Formication Have your patients ever described the unsettling sensation of insects crawling beneath their skin, accompanied by an unrelenting itch? This uncomfortable phenomenon, known as formication, can be a distressing symptom of various underlying conditions. If you’re looking for alternative or complementary treatment options for patients…

  • Is moxibustion free from harm?

    Is moxibustion free from harm?

    Moxibustion safety Many people ask whether moxibustion is free from harm. Naturally, people bring up the question of moxibustion safety. It would be like asking whether the car is safe.  If the vehicle is driven by a good driver, people in the car would feel comfortable, and there would be no accidents. If an unskilled driver…

  • Burning hands

    Burning hands

    Burning hands When you have burning hot sensation in your hands like they are on fire, it can disturb your sleep, which may lead to lack of energy the next day.  When you google it, there are many people that ask questions about burning hands.  Some websites list up to 22 causes, among which there…

  • Stabbing chest pain and blue hands

    Stabbing chest pain and blue hands

    Stabbing chest pain and blue hands If your patient has stabbing chest pain while the hands become blue, you may want to refer the patient to the ER.  Huh Im, a Korean doctor in the 1600s wrote his prescription in his book.  Apply 7 moxa cones at the below acupuncture points for stabbing chest pain…

  • Journey 


    We are all nearing the end of our journey slowly while we live our daily lives.  It suddenly came to my mind how we should leave the planet well with no pain, and with love and gratitude.   Many people live longer lives, compared with those who lived a hundred years ago. However, it seems…