How does the energy mechanism work in our body?
According to Traditional Asian Medicine, all living beings possess a vital energy called qi. This qi flows within the body following four movements: ascending, descending, entering, and exiting. These movements can be further described as inward, outward, upward, and downward.

Ascending and Descending Movements
These movements refer to the circulation of qi and blood within the body. Balanced and harmonious ascending and descending are crucial for maintaining homeostasis. If qi and blood only ascend, it can lead to health concerns, often seen in individuals with sedentary lifestyles.
Exiting and Entering Movements
These movements represent the exchange between the body and the external environment. We take in air and food, which are transformed into nutrients and then into qi and blood by our organs. This qi and blood, in turn, nourish and energize all body parts.
Waste products are expelled through urination, bowel movements, and sweating, allowing the body to adjust to environmental changes like temperature.
Harmony and Disharmony
When the four movements of the qi function properly, we experience good health. This principle is believed to apply to all living beings, with the absence of these movements signifying the absence of life force. Conversely, harmony in the four movements indicates a state of well-being.
Imbalance and Disease
Disruptions in the four movements are believed to contribute to various illnesses. Imbalance can manifest in different parts of the body depending on the specific movement affected. For example, disharmony in the upward and downward movements is thought to lead to phlegm and fluid stagnation in the abdomen.