My website moved to a new server.

The website moved to a new server.
Kihyon Sohn Acupuncture

A new server for

One day I noticed the website having a speed problem. An app says it can drive away visitors when it takes some time to load up pages. So I decided to click on the lead and subscribed to the server. I am not a technician. I am an acupuncture doctor. I do not have any knowledge about things like servers. I just wanted to speed up my website I did not know it was the beginning of all hassles last week.

WordPress cut me out from their app. I could not get access to my account there. The website disappeared from the app. It felts like I had been thrown away at sea. I have not received any notice from them. I checked with them, and they said the website had moved to another server. I received some help from the server company WPMUDEV, which helped me see the website on the WordPress app. But I needed access to my account on WordPress. So I had to search my Gmail for emails from them. There I stopped the automatic renewal for my biannual subscription. Unfortunately, my business plan subscription expires next January. I asked them if they could refund it, but they denied it as expected. They agreed to apply the remaining period to my other website Now things have come back to normal.

WordPress is a good company, and I like its apps. I realize that migration to a new server helps me save some money. To run my website, I have to spend as follows:

  • WordPress business plan $499 (two years)
  • Yoast SEO: $89 (one year)
  • Email service: $3.5 (month)

I have learned many new things while chatting with agents in the server company. They were so patient and helpful. It usually took one to two hours to complete one session with them. I want to thank them again!!