Trees are among the oldest living organisms on the planet. They have witnessed millennia of human history and have been the backdrop to some of the most critical events in our lives. We learn a lot about a tree just by observing its age. The age of a tree can be determined by the pattern of its branches, the color of its leaves, and the depth of its roots.
The age of a tree tells us about its life.
Just like people, trees have lives. The age of a tree tells us a lot about its life story. The youthful energy of a tree is found deep inside, where the roots gather nutrients and water. The older a tree gets, the more of its energy is seen on the outside, where the blossoms and leaves spring up in the spring.

Trees are living things. They have roots that dig deep into the earth, leaves that turn the sunlight into energy, and branches that reach for the sky. Each part of a tree plays a unique role in the tree’s life. Trees use the power they gather from the sun and the water they draw from the ground to make the food they need to grow and the oxygen they need to breathe.
Trees are living things, just like us. They grow and live, just like us. Trees are also old. Some are even thousands of years old. The age of a tree tells us a lot about the life of that tree.
Trees have cycles, just like us. They are born, they grow, and they die. We can learn a lot about a tree’s life from its age. Like humans,trees store energy deep in their bodies, muscles and organs.
We are born, grow, and then die. Between those two points, we live in a never-ending cycle of life and energy. Trees are no different. They start out small, and then they grow, providing us with shade and oxygen.