Month: June 2017

  • Moxa Cones

    Moxa Cones

    Size of Moxa Cones and Stimulation Here is how to decide on size of moxa cone and amount of stimulation. The amount of stimulation can be decided on the density of each moxa cone.  When you put too much pressure in rolling moxa cones, they will have more density and burn longer with more heat.…

  • Fire


    Fire has the nature of flaming up.  This is what people usually think. When you burn moxa cones on the skin, you will find the fire flaming up first.  However, when you pay more attention to it, you may notice it feels like sucking up the skin with heat.  It also feels like something pulling…

  • How to apply moxa at Du20 acupuncture point on your own!

    How to apply moxa at Du20 acupuncture point on your own!

    Applying Moxa Cones at the Du 20 acupuncture point Applying moxa cones to the Du20 acupuncture point is a traditional practice used in traditional Asian medicine. However, it’s important to consult a qualified healthcare professional before attempting self-treatment, as improper application can be dangerous. Du 20 is a significant point where the Du meridian, the…

  • Du20 acupuncture point and calming effect

    Du20 acupuncture point and calming effect

    Du 20 Psychological effect of Du 20 acupuncture point I had a good laugh when I heard a psychologist referring his patients to an acupuncturist.  He said he referred his patients to him when his medications did not work.  In the clinic, the acupuncturist applied direct moxa on Du20 alone.  They said it worked very…

  • How to decide on moxa cones to apply?

    How to decide on moxa cones to apply?

    How many moxa cones to apply? How do you decide the number of moxa cones to apply? It is not easy to decide how many cones to apply. The body tends to become insensitive when it becomes ill. You may apply many cones on points you feel hard, rising or insensitive to the touch. You…

  • Direct Moxibustion

    Direct Moxibustion

    I am happy to start my blogs.  I did not know where to start in the beginning.  I know it will take some time to get used to the blogging.  This may serve as extension to the facebook group, gudang moxibustion, which I have run for several years.  I hope to write about direct moxibustion,…