Tag: burn injuries
Acupuncture burn treatments
Acupuncture treats burn injuries. Burn injuries respond well to acupuncture treatment. Although, few people know, Korean acupuncture can successfully treat burn injuries. Patients experience less discomfort after acupuncture treatments, and the burned area has fewer scars overall. Burn injuries can happen in any situation. Burns can occur while cooking, playing, around a campfire, and doing…
Treating Burn Injuries with Acupuncture
Treating burn injuries Some of you already know about Gudang burn therapy. Dr Namsoo Kim (Gudang) figured this out and treated many burn injury patients with acupuncture. No one imagined that acupuncture could treat burn injuries. One research, Acupuncture accelerates wound healing in burn-injured mice, shows that acupuncture can reduce inflammation and accelerate…