Month: January 2019

  • Seasonal allergies treated by moxibustion.

    Seasonal allergies treated by moxibustion.

    Rhinitis Here is a video of Gudang treating a kid with rhinitis. His acupuncture needling technique is different. He keeps talking with the boy while comforting him.

  • Indigestion, lack of energy and headache

    Indigestion, lack of energy and headache

    Indigestion Here is the scene of Gudang treating a patient with indigestion, lack of energy and headache. Gudang developed his unique treatment technique through his clinical experience. He has his own protocols for acupuncture and moxbibustion.

  • Difficulty with free flow in your body

    Difficulty with free flow in your body

    Difficulty with urination and bowel movement Our body looks like a long tube. We eat through the upper end, and the waste leaves our body through the lower end. There should be no blockage. With blockage, it could cause even mental and emotional diseases. Here are acupuncture points for the condition of no bowel movement…